petit milady
A duo of two famous Seiyuus, Yuuki Aoi (nick Aochan), commonly known for her voice roles as Madoka Kaname in Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, and Taketatsu Ayana (nick Ayachi), commonly know for her roles like Kousaka Kirino in OreImo, petit milady debuted with the single Kagami no Dualism/100% Cider Girl for the 2nd opening of Yu-Gu-Oh! Zexal on 15 May 2013.
Uchiage – A Night to Remember
Uchiage originated from sumo wrestlers who held celebrations in order to express gratitude towards their teachers. JAC adopted this tradition for the main committee members to thank all their sub-committee members for the work put in into making the JCF (Japanese Cultural Festival), an event prior to Uchiage, a success.
2014 Most Recommended Vocaloid Songs
The year 2014 has ended and it was one filled with many new and awesome vocaloid music. Here, I will be sharing with you my personal top 10 favourite of all the creations in 2014.
Yuuki Aoi
Today, for the music corner, I will be introducing a singer/voice actress/actress , 悠木 碧(Yuuki Aoi). For those who may not be familiar with her, perhaps the fact that she is the voice behind the character, Madoka, in Puella Magi Madoka Magica may ring a familiar tune in your heads.