Subcommittee Appreciation Night

Dear beloved Subcommittee members of JAC,

It seems like only yesterday when everyone joined JAC for another academic year of fun and activity. Yet, the year is coming to a close soon.

Hence, we are throwing a special party to celebrate our fruitful year spent together, just for our subcommittee members, who put in their all for JAC’s events to be successful.

JAC’s Subcommittee  Appreciation Night will likely be the last event of this academic year before the onslaught of the much abhorred preparation for End-of-Semester Examinations. Therefore, we hope that everyone can come down to join us!

The details are as follow:
Date: 18 March 2015, Wednesday
Time: 1700
Venue: Hall 1 Block 15 BBQ Pit
Food money: $8 per pax

Do fill up the google forms that have been sent to your emails and we look forward to your attendance~


Uchiage – A Night to Remember


A Love Affair with Tonkatsu