About Us

We are an events-based club based in Nanyang Technological University.
We aim to bring together people who wish to share and learn about Japanese culture

In addition, we form bilateral ties between NTU and Japanese schools through cultural exchanges and events.
Prospective Japanese exchange or full-time students are welcome too!

As an events-oriented club, we strive for our members to participate actively in our events.

Our Events

We provide a wide range of activities for our members, ranging from weekly Japanese Village sessions conducted in NTU to Overseas Exposure Program to Japan, where our members get to visit Japanese Universities and experience Japanese culture firsthand. Find out more below!

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Japanese Village

Meet and interact with Japanese exchange students studying in NTU and participate in various cross-cultural activities while learning Japanese language at the same time!

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School Visits

Get the opportunity to accompany and guide visiting Japanese students around campus and Singapore, forging lasting international friendships!

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Collaboration Workshops

JAC often collaborates with other NTU clubs and societies such as Wine Society and Nanyang Arts Ensemble to offer unique experiences with Japanese Culture.

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Overseas Exposure Program

Explore Japan and visit various Japanese universities for an authentic experience of Japanese culture and student-life.

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Japanese Cultural Festival

Japanese Cultural Festival is an annual public event hosted by JAC. Come down to try out Japanese festival games, food, and more!

Informal Get-togethers

Apart from our official events, come meet new friends with similar interests at our various hangouts such as our JAC picnic, Christmas party and more!